+27 11 392 3962 info@brytons.co.za


Britannia Movers offer a wide range of competitively priced services to overseas agents and private individuals, shipping goods into South Africa. We consistently provide professional quality services and as we have our own bonded warehouses and customer clearance licenses we can assure our clients that we keep total control of their effects right through to the final delivery.


  • We offer secure palletized storage, which incorporates modern handling, control and security systems, with approved state of the art fire protection. Motor vehicles are stored in our secure open store, and are handed out to clients with fully recharged batteries.

Bonded Warehousing

  • Should our import clients not be in the country at the time their effects arrive, or be in posession of the regulatory documentation, we are able to offer Bonded Storage in our own secure Customs controlled facility, ensuring total control of the effects, and avoiding costly demurrages on containers. Customs examinations are carried out in this same facility, under our control.

Customs Clearing License

  • Our license enables us to submit our own entries to Customs, ensuring a more personalized service, and the opportunity to negotiate directly with Customs should any problems arise with the clearance of the effects.

SA CUstoms Regulations on import of:

    1. Immigrants, returning residents and temporary residents, may import household and personal effects into South Africa duty free. Customs forms DA304 and P1.160 must be completed in triplicate and presented to the Department of Customs and Excise, together with their passport, showing exit/entry stamps, residence permit or South African Identity documents for attestation.Returning residents must have been out of the country for an unbroken absence of a minimum of six months before they are automatically entitled to duty free importation of household and personal effects purchased while out of South Africa.
    2. Temporary residents must be in a possession of a valid temporary work permit before they can import household and personal effects duty free.Foreign diplomats are allowed duty free importation upon production of a detailed inventory and a diplomatic clearance certificate “A” completed and signed by the relevant Embassy/Consulate in South Africa and countersigned by the South African Department of Foreign Affairs.
    1. The Beneficiary must produce a certified copy of the Last Will and Testament, wherein the items are bequeathed plus a certified copy of the Death Certificate.
    1. Import permits are essential when importing firearms, ammunition, wines and alcohol.These permits may be obtained from local Embassy in the country of origin, or Department of Trade and Industry in Pretoria. Firearm permits are applied for on a form SAP 311, (Application for the Importation of a Firearm), obtainable from the Central Firearm Register, Tel No 012-353-6243 and must be completed and signed by the importer, and submitted to the South African Police. The aforementioned items will be stopped by Customs Officials for examination, and duty may be payable.
    1. Immigrants are allowed one vehicle per family, duty free. This vehicle must have been used and registered in the name of the importer for a minimum of one year prior to shipment to South Africa. A client must have had permanent residence in the country from which he is exporting the vehicle in order to avoid duties.A special import permit must be obtained from the Department of Trade and Industry in Pretoria Tel No: 012 428 7793. The Department will require proof of ownership e.g. registration papers as well as official proof of value of the vehicle, before they can issue the import permit. A Letter of Authority must then be obtained from the South African Bureau of Standards in Pretoria Tel: 012 428 6276.
    2. A form DA304A (supplied by Brytons) along with the above documentation, must be submitted to customs with the original passport for attestation.
    3. Once imported, the vehicle cannot be sold or otherwise disposed of for two years.Returning Residents will pay full duties of 40% + 14% Vat on the value of the vehicle, unless the importer can satisfy the South African Customs that the vehicle was originally exported out of South Africa by themselves. Alternatively they must prove that they held permanent residence in the country of export, and that their intention was to remain in that country, when the vehicle was purchased. Other requirements and documentation, remain the same as for immigrants.Temporary residents must lodge a provisional payment with South African Customs to cover full duties and taxes. This deposit is refundable when the vehicle leaves South Africa, or when permanent residency is obtained. Proof of value e.g. purchase invoice and a valid temporary residence permit must be produced.

Services Included

  • Normal customs clearance and Terminal Handling Charges
  • One direct delivery ex-port/airport to residence or store
  • Complete unpacking and setting up at residence and removal of packing debris on day of delivery
  • Shipping Container turn-in within 100 kilometer radius of destination city
  • Cargo Dues – usually collected directly from client
  • Customs Examination if required by Customs
  • Duties, taxes and demurrage charges
  • Storage, Warehouse handling & demurrage charges
  • Linehaul on containers from Port to inland terminal on through ocean bill of Lading where this has not been prepaid at origin
  • NVOCC, Consolidators charges and airfreight handover charges which will be billed back to the origin agent at cost
  • Assembly of modular furniture requiring specialist tools and assembly

For further information, you may wish to access Customs direct at www.sars.gov